Cycle Holiday Grades
To help you choose the cycle holiday best suited to your needs, we have evaluated degrees of difficulty, noted 1 to 5, for them all. These ‘grades’ are based on associating cumulative uphill riding with daily distance.
Total daily uphill | 0 to 300m | 300 to 500m | 500 to 700m | More than 700m |
Daily distance | ||||
0 to 25 km | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
26 to 35 km | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
35 to 45 km | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
More than 45 km | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

A few words on what to expect…
1/5 – Very Easy. Daily stages of less than 25 km per day with very little climbing. Any itinerary thus graded has been specially conceived for families with younger children. They have no particular difficulty.
2/5 – Easy. Suitable for families or adults looking for fairly easy-going no-strain short rides with few uphill stretches. However, although many children will cope with rides up to 35 km and 500m of cumulative daily uphill, some may find that a tad too hard. If you’re not sure, contact us so we can talk about it.
3/5 Moderate. Mainly aimed at adults. The stages are suited to anyone in good physical form. The bike becomes a way of exploring the landscapes, built heritage and cultural highlights of the chosen destination.
4/5 Fairly sporty. Longish stages over varying terrain and countryside. You may be called upon to ride over mid-mountain passes. Bicycles need to be of the country bike type (also called ‘hybrid’ – VTC in French) with broader tyres than out-and-out road bikes. These holidays are for regular cycle users.
5/5 Athletic. With outings that include longer distances and tougher ascents, these holidays are aimed at those with confirmed experience of uplands cycling. Cultural aspects are by no means forgotten, but the taste for challenging adventure is showcased! Road bikes or hybrids may be used.
As with the cycle holiday gradings above, we have evaluated degrees of difficulty, noted 1 to 5, for walking holidays, whether or not in the company of a donkey. These ‘grades’ are based on associating daily uphill walking with daily distance.
Total daily uphill | 0 to 300m | 300 to 500m | 500 to 700m | More than 700m |
Daily distance | ||||
0 to12 km | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
13 to 16 km | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
17 to 20 km | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
More than 20 km | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 |

What to expect…
1/5 – Very easy. Stages of less than 12 km with minimal uphill walking, specially adapted for parents with young children. The terrain is generally even, relatively undemanding. Walking with your kids becomes a relaxed affair.
2/5 – Easy. Up to16 km long and less than 500m uphill in the daily total. These walks are equally designed for families but may also suit adults who prefer shortish daily outings. They give you opportunities to stop and take a dip, do a little sightseeing or just have a drink on a shady terrace and watch the world go by…
3/5 - Moderate. Stages between 13 and 20 km long with cumulative daily uphill walking of less than 700 m. We propose these holidays to families whose kids are used to going for long walks. But they will also suit adults who would appreciate having the time to visit a museum, gallery or other monuments along the way.
4/5 – Fairly sporty. Again it’s a question of outings between 13 and 20 km, but this time they include sustained uphill stretches of more than 500 m. They are therefore destined for adults in good physical condition and used to walking for several hours. You will make your way through hills and mountains, every pass you cross revealing a new horizon.
5/5 Athletic. Each stage is over 17 km long and involves a total uphill of more than 500 m. Holidays designed for seasoned place-to-place mountain walkers.