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The General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, or RGPD in French - is the new regulation that determines how businesses may handle customers’ computerised personal data. In accordance with the provisions of French legislation, namely Act No. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 as amended variously up to, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be computerized and treated with the utmost confidentiality. Only authorized persons may access your data and this for strictly internal purposes. You have the right to access, correct or delete information about yourself by simply contacting us at

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Cycling around the Bay of Arcachon

Lovely for kids, this circuit goes from beach to beach
  • Duration 7 days
  • Activity Biking
  • Holiday among adults, with family
  • Theme coast

Information : Cycling around the Bay of Arcachon

  • Comfort
  • Difficulty
  • Note
  • Roadbooks French / English / German


The Gironde possesses one of the finest cyclepath networks in France. You can go all the way round the Arcachon basin with the Eurovelo1, which is a sure temptation to do just that!
You'll see grand Atlantic beaches, wild and free, which contrast with the gentler waterfront cycleways of Arcachon and its café and restaurant terraces. And then there are once again beaches, calmer this time, in the shelter of an arm of the bay. The route takes you from small port to harbour in a succession of changing colours. And it brings you to the vast Bird Park and the salt meadow nature reserve. You'll enjoy slipping through the pine forest to reach Cap Ferret, but the story doesn't end there. There are also the landing pier and the boat which come to collect you, the sea air of the crossing, and a fabulous panorama of the Bay of Arcachon just coming into sight...

The circuit is well-adapted to the needs of children. Most of the route is along cyclepaths. However common sense dictates that some experience and a respect of the Highway Code are required when the route goes through urban areas.

Looking for a shorter escape? Discover our stay : Cycling around the Bay of Arcachon in 4 days

You'll love

  • biking along the excellent cycle-paths that wind through heath and woodland
  • making your way up Europe's highest sand dune!
  • having a break in an oyster hut
  • exploring the ports and beaches all along the route
  • the boat trip across the Bay that rounds off your adventure
  • Our personalized guiding application
Discover the application

Program : Cycling around the Bay of Arcachon

  • D1 Arrival in Arcachon

    Welcome to Arcachon and its captivating waterfront. Departure for your organized bike tour of the Atlantic coast. Your vacation begins with a free dinner. Then you can enjoy a good night's sleep in a warm and comfortable hotel, before embarking on your escapade on the Arcachon basin.

    Dinner at leisure and night in 3 star hotel

  • D2 Around Arcachon

    26 km (level 1/5). Duration around 3 hrs.

    This first bike tour of the Arcachon Basin is a great way to get started. There's something for everyone. From the seafront with its beaches and lively bustle to the tranquility of the Landes forest. From the winter town, an architectural curiosity, to the Pyla Dune, a remarkable geological feature. A beautiful cycling itinerary with an escapade on foot to climb the Dune du Pyla.

    Dinner at leisure and night in 3 star hotel

  • D3 From Arcachon to Le Teich

    22,3 km (level 1/5). Duration about 2hrs20.

    This stage of the journey offers a wide range of points of interest. Choose your stops carefully and enjoy your time! You can decide to explore the beach, but also the many local boutiques nearby. A little further on, you can visit the fishing port and its famous market. Then it's off to the small oyster ports. As you approach the ornithological park of Le Teich and the Eyre delta, you'll plunge a little deeper into the intimacy of the Arcachon basin.

    Dinner at leisure and night at the guest house or eco nature tourist residence according to availability

  • D4 Around Teich

    23,5 km (level 1/5). Duration around 2hrs30.
    We recommend a visit to the ornithological park as the goal of this day out around Le Teich. This bird park is well worth your time. You should plan on spending between 2 and 3 hours there, to soak up the life that surrounds the park and to get the best birdwatching possible.
    The tour that follows will also be the only opportunity to get away from the Arcachon Basin for a while and take a trip inland.

    Dinner at leisure and night at the guest house or eco nature tourist residence

  • D5 From Teich to Arès

    30 km (level 1/5). Duration about 3hrs45.
    Now you are on the other side of the Bay of Arcachon and the Eyre delta.
    Today Arcachon Basin cycling itinerary follows small country roads that lead you to ancient harbours. There are numerous picnic spots, and you'll be seduced by the peacefulness and beauty of the surroundings. The second part of the route follows an old railroad line. But you can escape at any time to the basin and its beaches.
    Dinner at leisure and night in 3 star hotel.

  • D6 Around Arès

    27 km (level 1/5). Duration around 3hrs20.
    Bearing west now to come back to the ocean and its windswept beaches.
    But first there's a pleasant ride through a pine forest. Song of the cicadas, smell of pine resin, white beaches, all conspire to help us relax in this dreamy atmosphere. Then the cherry on top of the cake - the immensity of the blue ocean answering the green of the vast forest of the Landes.

    Dinner at leisure and night in 3 star hotel.

  • D7 From Arès to Arcachon via Cap Ferret

    24km (level 1/5). Duration about 3hrs.
    This bike ride will take you to the tip of the Cap Ferret peninsula. You'll leave this warm and welcoming town, surrounded by nature, where life flows to the rhythm of the tides, to reach the "village at the end of the world", part of one of the many small hamlets that make up the commune of Lège Cap-Ferret. All along the way, you'll be able to reach the ocean beaches. Don't forget your towels and picnic!

    You can if you wish ride another 11.5km (level 1/5) estimated time 2hrs, which takes you right down to the tip of the shifting Cap.

    Cross the Bay by boat to come back to Arcachon.


    Possibility to extend your stay in Bordeaux : please contact us.

Tariffs high season

From July to August, departure every 2 days

In family room

Adult : 795 €
Junior (12-17)* : 675 €
Child (2-11)* : 635 €
Baby (0 - 1) : 70 €

In double room

Adult : 945 €
Junior (12 - 17) :  945 €
Child (2 - 11) : 905 €
Baby (0 - 1) : 70 €

In single room

1245 €

Solo traveller

1365 €

Tariffs low season

From April to June and from september to october, departure everyday

In family room

Adult : 770 €
Junior (12-17)* : 655 €
Child (2-11)* : 615 €
Baby (0-1) : 70 €

In double room

Adult :  900 €
Junior (12 - 17) : 900 €
Child (2 - 11) : 870 €
Baby (0 - 1) : 70 €

In single room

1210 €

Solo traveller

1330 €

*Rates based on a room shared with two adults. Single-parent families, please contact us.

What's included?

  • 6 nights and breakfasts in 3-star hotels, guest house or eco nature tourist residence
  • Boat transfer Cap-Ferret/Arcachon
  • Luggage transport
  • Route book and maps
  • GPS tracks
  • Technical and logistical assistance


  • Bike rental from :
    • Bike for adult or junior (from 1m45) : 95 €
    • MTB for child (under 1m45) : 70 €
    • Trailer bike or bike cart for child : 70 €
    • Child seat : 10 €
    • Electric power bike rental for adult or junior (from 1m45) : 200 €

What's not included?

  • Lunches 
  • Dinners
  • Drinks and extras
  • Entrance to the ornithological park of Le Teich and Cap Ferret lighthouse
  • Round trip from your home to the first accommodation on the course
  • Optional insurance

Characteristics of circuits

  • Place-to-place cycling holiday suitable for all the family.
  • Daily stages between 24 and 35 kilometres, around 2 to 4hrs cycling at your own rhythm.
  • Fairly even route with little climbing.
  • Quiet little country roads and cyclepaths
  • Suitable for country bikes.


  • These holidays are much more about relaxed exploration than athletic performance. We transport your luggage and a detailed roadbook will guide you from beginning to end. We also provide the logistical and technical support necessary.
  • On longer holidays you change accommodation every other day, which gives you the chance to better explore your surroundings or simply take your time and relax...
  • B&B accommodation is in either 3 star/'épis' hotels, guest houses or tourist residences chosen for their atmosphere, warm welcome and environmental and architectural setting.
  • For technical reasons, we do not propose midday or evening meals during this holiday. However at each stage you'll find there are plenty of different places to eat.

N.B : the accommodation described above is given as an indication and may vary according to availability at the moment your reservation is finalized.


By car

highway A10 ou A89 or A63 direction Bordeaux and then take A660 direction Arcachon

By air

Bordeaux-Mérignac airport

By train

Arcachon railway station. The accommodation is at 1300m.


Global note
  • A splendid itinerary combining landscapes, nature and sightseeing. All very well organised. Thanks a lot. (translated from french) 

  • We discovered a great way to get to know the Bay of Arcachon. The weather wasn't with us, so we had to cut our stay short and stop cycling, but we'll be back with better temperatures. (translated from French) 

  • Belle découverte du bassin d'Arcachon en famille. Une expérience bien organisée, de beaux itinéraires et des restaurants bien conseillés (vue, cuisine).

  • Nous avons eu la chance d'apercevoir de supers paysages depuis nos vélos. Un moyen très pratique de visiter tout en s'amusant. De plus, nous n'avons pas rencontrer un seul problème durant l'entièreté du voyage !

  • Itinérance de 3 jours dépaysante, étapes équilibrées, nous reviendrons dans la région.

  • Nous avons passé des vacances exceptionnelles au bassin d'Arcachon. Le paysage est magnifique, très varié et les hôtes étaient très aimables. Une très belle possibilité pour des vacances extraordinaires en famille. Avec plaisir encore une fois !

  • Vacance super. Pas de soucis, pas de stress ! Que du bonheur. Très bonne organisation.

  • Super vacances à vélo en famille ! Nous avons découvert les beaux paysages du bassin d'Arcachon. Séjour relax, au calme et tout confort ! A recommander.

  • Belle expérience, accessible à tous, au plus près du bassin d'Arcachon. Merci pour la logistique qui a été parfaite.

  • Tour à vélo juste magnifique. Nous le conseillons vivement aux familles même avec de jeunes enfants et débutants, c'est facilement réalisable.

  • Nous avons passé de très bonnes vacances avec Safrantours, Merci !

  • De très bons souvenirs malgré un temps mitigé. Les randonnées sont parfaites et faciles pour les enfants. Nous avons apprécié la tranquillité des traversées en forêts.

  • Pour ceux qui aiment passer des vacances en toute tranquilité tout en faisant du sport à la rencontre de la nature, des paysages et de leurs habitants, Safrantours vous offre ce compromis en prenant tout en charge. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à pédaler.

  • Merci à toute l'équipe de Safrantours pour sa réactivité et son efficacité dans l'organistation de notre périple familial en vélo autour du bassin d'Arcachon! A découvrir et à recommander.

  • Très belle façon de découvrir une belle région. Vélo, tourisme et détente étaient au rendez-vous.

  • Une très belle expérience avec une équipe de professionnels rodés. Un facilitateur pour découvrir à notre rythme une région. Nous repartirons en toute confiance et dans l'immédiat, nous recommandons Safrantours aux futurs aventuriers.

  • Wir haben einen fantastischen, abwechslungsreichen, unproblematischen und gleichzeitig erholsamen Urlaub verbracht. Die Strecken waren toll zusammengestellt und alle Tour-Unterlagen leicht verständlich und hilfreich. Noch nie haben wir soviel in so kurzer Zeit gesehen... Es war toll! Vielen Dank, Safran-Team.

    Traduction: Nous avons passé des vacances fantastiques, variées, sans problèmes et en même temps relaxantes. Les itinéraires étaient bien organisés et tous les documents de voyage étaient faciles à comprendre et utiles. Jamais auparavant nous n'avions vu autant de choses en si peu de temps.... C'était génial ! Merci beaucoup l'équipe de Safran.

  • Vacances très réussies ! Tout à fait conforme à ce qui est présenté dans les brochures. Excellent accueil dans chaque hôtel et chambre d'hôtes.

  • Très beau circuit, balades en vélo très agréables.

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Cycling around the Bay of Arcachon
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The General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, or RGPD in French - is the new regulation that determines how businesses may handle customers’ computerised personal data. In accordance with the provisions of French legislation, namely Act No. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 as amended variously up to, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be computerized and treated with the utmost confidentiality. Only authorized persons may access your data and this for strictly internal purposes. You have the right to access, correct or delete information about yourself by simply contacting us at *